Wednesday 1 August 2012

Pork Farms Toastables Bacon And Brown Sauce

I've just got back from work and before I go back to sleep, I thought I'd punish and torture my mouth and digestive system with on of these
I actually did this one in the toaster, but it got a tad burnt on the edges. On the back it says "Pork sausage meat, smoked bacon and brown sauce"
21% of it is filling. That's more than the last one. Maybe it's better
It's slightly crispier, but in more of a flaky pastry kind of way. But like the other one yesterday, there's no taste of the filling. When I bought this, I was expecting a slice or two of real bacon smothered in brown sauce between the bread\pastry type thing. I really can't taste the saltiness from the bacon nor the tanginess from the brown sauce
I'm a big fan of bacon baps with brown sauce, but, Pork Farms, you have let me down. You are no longer my friend :(
I was hoping this one was better with being toasted and the better flavour, but, boy, how wrong was I?
I suppose I better finish this atrocity off before I let it go mouldy in some distant corner in my room, forgotten by the rest of the world

I give it a TEN OUT OF TEN! For blandness....
For the product itself, two out of ten

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