Monday 20 August 2012

Barr Strike Energy

I've not long got back from town today, and whilst up there, I popped into B&M to see what bargains they had. They usually sell things a lot cheaper than the RRP. Like this drink says 49p on the can, but they were selling them for 3 for a quid or 39p each. Not bad, eh? I bought six ;) Let's hope they're ok
Aarrrrr, thar be a picture for ye, jim lad

Striking appearance for Strike Energy, don't you think? I'm digging the whole red on black look. It really caught my eye in the shop. On the back it says "Carbonated mixed flavour energy drink with added taurine, caffeine and vitamins"
Mixed flavour? Mixed what? Mixed elephants? Mixed chairs? Mixed fruit? Personally I'm hoping for elephant. That'd be different
So it has the usual caffeine content, ie. 30mg per 100ml ad these cans are 330ml
Thinking about it, I don't think I've ever seen an energy drink in this size, they're usually either 250ml or half litres
I put this is the fridge a few minutes ago, but I'm doubting it's been chilled enough. It's a nasty, hot, muggy day today

Time to pour it into a glass
It's the usual colour and has the usual smell. It tastes really sweet and kind of.... what is that.... pineapple? It's slightly tropical compared to the usual bog-standard taste of these kind of drinks. Also a bit syrupy
But it's allll gooooddd

Seven out of ten
Not bad for the price

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