Friday 10 August 2012

Monster Energy Absolutely Zero

I'm not usually a fan of Monster, but this can caught my eye
It's a pretty funky looking can

So this is a zero sugar, calorie free energy drink. I don't get that. Surely if you're wanting energy, you want sugar and calories so your body actually has something to burn? After a spot of research, I've come to understand that caffeine itself doesn't give you energy (as far as I know, only sugars and carbs can be "burned" for energy, but I'm not biologist), but one of its functions is to "tell" your liver to release more sugar into the bloodstream for your body to use. But what good is that if there's no sugar to be released? Obviously there will be from reserves or whatever you ate earlier, but not from this drink. It also blocks adenosine, which is the chemical which tells your brain it's time to sleep. But that doesn't mean you'll have the energy to do stuff, you just won't be able to sleep (as I've found out many times before because of energy drinks)
But don't take all this as a fact, I'm just writing what I'm understanding by reading various materials on the net....
I'm thinking this is more for hipsters who want to look cool by holding a monster can, but also want to fit into the hippy healthy group by not consuming calories or sugar, so they don't end up fat (but if you're having an energy drink, surely you're wanting to do some sort of exercise anyway?)

So anywho, let's pop this baby open and suckle upon its juicy innards
It's the usual urine colour, which pretty much every other drink in this market has, but with a slightly green tinge. It smells mildly fruity, but not all too different from the rest of the bunch. It's sweet, really sweet. And tastes kind of flowery and delicate. There's not all that much flavour to it. I don't really like it, to be honest. But I'm not one to pour money down the drain (these things aren't too cheap) so I guess I better drink it. Unfortunately

This drink isn't for me really and I wouldn't recommend it at all
Two out of ten (Only because it's not gut wrenchingly disgusting)

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