Thursday 9 August 2012


So it says on the top of the can
There's a picture of it. How wonderful
Looks like just any old cheap energy drink and I'm guessing it's from Poland or marketed to be sold there as there's ingredients in Polish on one side and English on the other
There's the usual crap written on the can, ie. Caffeine, Taurine and the like
Speaking of writing things like that on cans, how come you don't see other food packages with some of the ingredients slapped on the front in big, bold letters? Probably because half of the food sold would just have long chemical names on the front like 2-4-6-trihydrobutanolicpentaphosphatehydroxidecalcifromaldehydro-6-ethanolicaluminibumflakerubidinucleic-4-ol acid hydrate of tin
I just made that up and it doesn't even sound like a real molecule, but you never know.... They only ever write "flavourings". Who knows what that counts as?

Let's give it a go then, shall we?

Smells like any old energy drink....
But it tastes kind of.... earthy. You know when you have potatoes but they still taste a bit muddy? Imagine that slightly muddy flavour in an energy drink on top of the usual "fruit" flavour (Most of them say fruit flavour, but I can never tell which ones?) and you've got this. It's slightly vegeatble-ish

I guess it's drinkable like every other average copy-cat energy drink available on the market, but it doesn't stand out from the crowd. Why should I buy this one over, say, Emerge or Rockstar? Mostly because it's fairly cheap. I think I paid 25-30 pence for this, so I guess I can't complain. You get what you pay for, right?

Four out of ten (Get rid of the funny mud taste and it'd be a five)

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