Wednesday 1 August 2012

Pawatek Cherry

Here's one of the chocolate bars I picked up from the Polish supermarket
Unfortunately I can't find a picture on the internet anywhere, nor a website for them. Here's a crappy picture from my brother's iPod

This is basically a chocolate bar with a cherry flavoured fondant on the inside (with alcohol ;) )
The alcohol content, according to the ingredients, is 2%
Now that's the same as Asda's smart price lager. Maybe if you have enough of these, you get drunk? Maybe I'll try it one day....
But you don't even need any ID to buy these, even with the moderately high alcohol content. But I ain't complaining
I've already had these before (and things similar to it. Maybe they're big in Poland?), so I know I like them. Expect more reviews of various other flavours

Let's crack it open ;D
The chocolate taste isn't the most noticeable thing ever over the cherry flavour. But the cherry flavour is amazing. It's much better than most cherry flavour things and it actually tastes somewhat reminiscent of the fruit (unlike most things)
You can feel the alcohol with a slight warmth on your tongue and a slight bitter taste, but it blends really well
Overall, I think these are great, and at only 30 odd pence a pop, I'd definately go back and get some more

Nine out of ten!

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