Friday 17 August 2012

LOL Razz Bri

What a great name, eh? Haha
I think it's pretty obvious by the feel of the name and picture what demographic group this is aimed at. It's a fizzy 75% fruit juice drink with no added sugar\colours\sweeteners\caffeine\crap and so on. I'm guessing it's for younger kids as an alternative to sugary carbonated drinks like Fanta or energy drinks. But the thing is, fruit juice is nearly as bad as other drinks for sugar, aren't they?
There were two other flavours on sale in Asda, but I'll review them at a later date (EDIT: I've actually already drank these, haha. I give them a 6 out of 10 for both). They were all a pound a piece (a bit steep if you ask me), but these really caught my eye and sound pretty good. The name and flavour is even written how little kids write online :o
Yay! Bad spelling! Haha

It's a pretty cool looking can albeit it a bit gimmicky, but hey, let's pop this beast open and wreak havoc upon my innards. Oh wait, I can't, it's crap free >:I

It smells really strong of raspberry (even though it's only 2% raspberry juice. The other 73% is apple juice. It's the same with the other flavours). A really nice smell

:O Guess what I've just realised? I've finally found something which is raspberry flavour using real raspberry and it's not blue!!!!!! There is a god!

But anywho, It's only mildly fizzy and doesn't taste as strong as it smells, it's kind of weak. I'm sure I can detect a slight bit of ginger or something similar too? I don't know....

Overall, it's pretty good, but I feel it's selling more on a gimmick than the actual product. Maybe this will be the new thing I'm going to be picking up in the car park at work when the school kids go back after the holidays
If you see it fairly cheap, give it a go. I give it eight and a half out of ten ;)

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