Tuesday 7 August 2012


First of all, what a funny name, haha
Except on my can it has the "uss" starred out. Maybe because I bought it in Tesco and they're not allowed to show it because it's a family store? I dunno....
It's a pretty sleek looking can, kind of modern looking
The back says (It's a funny font and kind of hard to read) "A refreshing sparkling Lychee and Grenadilla flavour juice drink made with 100% natural ingredients including botanical extracts and caffeine"

That's a rather fancy flavour, but what the hell's grenadilla?
Anywho, let's give it a taste. I can't wait to taste this pussy (LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL)

It smells really fruity and kind of mango-and-passionfruit-ish.
Ugh, it doesn't taste as nice. It tastes somewhat watered down and musky.
And slightly bitter too

Nah, this isn't for me. I'm not really a pussy guy, more of a boob guy, haha
Oh dear, the jokes you could make with this drink....
I'll save them for later
Three out of ten

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