Saturday 4 August 2012

Lolidarność Mister Ron

Here's something I picked up in the Polish supermarket on another trip into today today
Luckily the pack I found had some English on too, so I could actually find out what they are
They're a strawberry and cream thing covered in chocolate. Or something like that. They sound pretty nice

They're individually wrapped and about 2cm in diameter. You can smell the strawberry and chocolate as soon as you open the bag. Now let's open my mouth and try one. It's not a liquidy-caramely-fondant type thing, kind of the same texture as a crumbly fudge. The chocolate on the outside is slightly dark (I'm not a fan of dark chocolate), but the inside has a really delicate taste, really creamy
If they used milk chocolate, it'd be a lot better, but they're not bad
Six out of ten

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