Thursday 30 August 2012


Yesterday I popped into the Polish supermarket again to see what I could found. I grabbed so much, I had to get a friend to help carry it all (I didn't pick up a basket. But then again, I don't think they have any)
I can find a picture of an English (American?) version, but not the ones I found, so here's a picture for your eyes (I've bought a new camera recently)

After a bit of research, I've found out these are a German product and are made by the same company as Werther's Originals (I never knew that was German....)
The entire packaging is in Polish, but you can guess what flavours they are from the pictures. The top one is cherry and banana and the bottom one looks like apple and melon

They look a bit like Maoams or something
Cherry+Banana (Top), Apple+Melon (Bottom)
Let's try the cherry and banana first. Simply because I can't say I've ever heard of that combination before and I'm not the biggest fan of banana ever
It's instantly banana-ish and not so much cherry-ish. But it's a nice banana flavour. It's pretty good

Now the melon and apple....
This one's good. Really melon-ish, but you can still taste the apple underneath
They're moderately soft, but you need to work them around before you can chew them easily, but they're not bad for what I paid for them (about 25p per pack)

8 out of 10 :o

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