Sunday 5 August 2012

Mogyi Micro Pop Cheese Flavour

Here's another thing I saw in the Polish Supermarket. It caught my eye. Cheese flavoured popcorn???
How odd...

It looks like this but in English :o

It's in the microwave as we speak and I can hear it popping from upstairs....
Powerful stuff, haha

As well as being my first experience with foreign cheese flavoured popcorn, it's also my first experience with micro popcorn. I've added a bit of salt to these too

They smell rather nice, kind of like cheesy mash. And they taste ok too just a hell of a lot of them, haha. I didn't think there'd be this much....
They're not the cheesiest of things, but it's a nice flavour when you hit some. Maybe I'll melt some cheese on top or something
They're a bit dry, but very addictive. Pretty good. If I were in the shop again, I'd probably pick up another packet
Seven out of ten

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