Tuesday 14 August 2012

Jolly Rancher Fruit Chews

These were picked up in Truro while I was down Cornwall visiting the missus from a small sweet shop by the cathedral
Now, unfortunately I didn't get a single apple on in the box I bought. What the hell?!?!
But ah well, Apple isn't my favourite flavour ever
But other than apple, the flavours are cherry, watermelon and red raspberry
No, just kidding, it's blue raspberry
I've had various Jolly Rancher sweets before, so I know they're pretty decent
I also have a bag of hard ones, but they'll be reviewed some other day

So let's start with the watermelon flavour. It's in a pale-ish pink wrapper and the chew itself is a funny pink-ish-slightly-orange colour. It's fairly sticker and there's always remnants of the wrapper stuck to it.This flavour is pretty sweet. It does't taste like what I remember watermelon tastes like (I haven't had it in a long time), but it's a nice flavour. Kind of refreshing and cool, not too hard on the ol' taste buds. The texture is fairly soft and when you chew, you accumulate a fair bit of juice in your mouth.

Then onto the blue raspberry. This one's in a blue wrapper and is blue itself (what a surprise). The taste is pretty strong and has a slight tang to it, in my opinion. It's the usual blue raspberry flavour but a bit stronger

And now for the cherry, my favourite Jolly Rancher flavour. I love these. It's in a deep red wrapper and so it the sweet. These have an amazing flavour. It's not the same cherry flavour a everything else out there. It reminds me of those cheapo round lollipops you can get. It definitely stands out from most other cherry things. Maybe I'll try to get the drink one day....

The box is also nice. There's a little flap on the back which allow you to close the box and not have the top pop open. That's pretty handy

But overall (besides the apple flavour), if you like bold, slap in the face flavours, and prefer to chew things than have sugar floating around your mouth for minutes forming cavities, I can't recommend these enough. I think they're brilliant and will probably get some more at some point

Nine out of ten!

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