Wednesday 1 August 2012

Hools Energy Drink Tequila Power

I picked this up in the Polish supermarket the other day. I saw it and though "Tequila flavoured energy drink? Odd...."
I think the can I have has been re-marketed for the UK market. The ingredients are in English and so is one side of the can
I've never tried tequila before and I've heard it's not the nicest of drinks. But I thought it was something different, so why not, eh?

It smells kind of odd, but as if it is supposed to be an alcoholic drink. It's the same colour as pretty much every other energy drink out there
Time to give it a go.... I'm not looking forward to this, it smells nasty Dx

Well, it tastes a lot better than it smells. Really sweet and has an after taste similar to that of rum (I've tried rum before. Is tequila similar to that?)
I can't say I prefer it over most energy drinks, but it's drinkable. Once you get past the smell, it's not too bad, I guess. I'm sure people who like tequila would like this more than me.

Five out of ten. I probably won't buy it again though

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