Tuesday 31 July 2012

Pork Farms Toastables Cheese And Ham

Here's something I found in the pound shop up town in the fridge. Usually I don't trust things in the pound shop fridge (the bacon's always a funny colour), but this sounded pretty good. I also picked up a bacon and brown sauce one, but I'll try that another day
I'm lazy and couldn't be bothered to get the toaster out, so I put it in the microwave for a minute. I'm sure they'd be much better from the toaster, including crispier (it seems kind of floppy at the moment). So it's basically cheese and ham (or a mush of said ingredients) in pastry somewhat representing that all time favourite breakfast food item, toasted bread. On the back it says "...crisp golden pastry". Crisp? Crisp? Hahahaha.... I'll try the other one in the toaster and comment on the crispiness then. But this one is about as flaccid as... <Insert your own comment here>
So onto tasting it....
It's really bland and tastes just like pastry. I can only just notice any kind of filling. The texture feels the same all the way through. Soggy pastry with soggy pastry on the inside. I wouldn't be surprised if this was literally just a lump of pastry, because that's what it tastes and feels like. There's no slice of ham in it, so it has to be all mushed up with "cheese"
I just read the back and there's 6% reformed ham, 5% processed cheese and 4% cheddar cheese. So that's only 15% filling. I was right, this is basically a lump of pastry.
If you love chewing on cardboard, then this is the snack for you! 8D
It's a good idea, but really poorly executed
2 out of 10

Thank god I've finished that....

1 comment:

  1. Completely agree with this review, there is virtually no taste to it at all, it is just a wedge of pastry. Poundland are now selling them for 50p each in a half-price clearance deal but I wouldn't buy another one if they were selling them for a penny.

    I did cook mine in a toaster but all it did was to make it incredibly greasy.
