Thursday 26 July 2012

Yoohoo Chocolate Drink

What's better to have on a nice, sunny day than a cool, ice cold can of foreign drink that you've never heard of?
That's right, a bucket of KFC to go with it.
Oh, and some jungle being blasted out of some speakers
But unfortunately, I'm lazy and I can't be bothered to walk that far or get the bus

I saw this under "Soda" on the Stateside Candy Co's website. I'm not too sure what this is exactly. Is it a milkshake? Is it chocolate water? There's no milk in the ingredients, but there's things like whey and dried milk
I'm not too sure what to expect, to be honest....
99% fat free and 99% caffeine free. Darn! That's no good, is it?

Right then, let's crack it open. It smells nice, just like any old chocolate milkshake, kind of creamy. I'm gonna go get a glass. It doesn't feel right drinking milkshake from a can....
It looks like milkshake, albeit a bit thinner. Let's get on with it and try it....
Wow.... That's nice. Really nice. It's got a creamy taste to it. The chocolate isn't too dark (I can't stand dark chocolate), but it tastes kind of synthetic (but then again, what isn't synthetic in America?), but it's nice nonetheless
In all honesty, I was slightly scared of trying this in fear that it was fizzy (fizzy chocolate-ade? Dafuq?) because it was in the soda category.
Hmm... The after taste isn't as pleasant, but that might be just because I had fish fingers and chips for dinner, so don't let that put you off, haha
There's a few bits floating around the bottom of the cup, but I'm hoping they're just clumps of cocoa powder.
I'm glad I put this in the fridge the other day, I imagine it's not so good warm

I paid £1.20 for this, so I probably won't be getting it again seeing as you can buy ordinary milkshake a lot cheaper, but if you see it, I'd recommend it just to try it ;)

8 out of 10 :o
I think that's the highest rating so far!

Well done, Yoohoo, well done indeed....

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