Tuesday 24 July 2012

Fanta Mango + Passionfruit

I like Fanta.
I like the orange one, I like the strawberry and kiwi one, I like the fruit twist one and the various other flavours. So when I saw this in a shop, I thought I'd go try it.
I've just recently found out that there are over 100 different flavours of Fanta. I NEED TO FIND MOAARRR. Maybe I'll scour the internet for various flavours from various countries.
But anywho, here's a picture of the can (Sorry for the watermark on the top, it's the only decent picture I could find)
I bought mine as an 8 pack, so instead of saying 55p on the top, it says the usual "Don't sell individually" or whatever
It's a nice purple colour though, don't you think?
It smells really nice and tropical. The colour of it's the same as any other tropical flavour drink, ie. orange
I'm not usually too keen on mango, I think it has a slightly odd taste and I usually avoid it. But this, this is ok. It's pretty sweet too. You can also taste orange in it, and the ingredients list orange juice as higher than "natural flavourings", so I guess that dampens down the other flavours a bit. I'm sure it be better without the orange. But I guess Fanta is originally orange flavoured, so maybe that's why. I don't know....
I grabbed my can from the cupboard, but I'm sure it's much better and really refreshing straight from the fridge after a long hard day of sitting on my arse doing nothing, haha
It's a nice looking can, a nice tasting drink, but I prefer the fruit twist flavour of Fanta. It's limited edition, so I recommend you at least try it before it goes off the shelf. It's worth a try ;)
One shall rate said beverage with a spiffing seven out of ten!


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