Friday 27 July 2012

Herr's Buffalo Blue Cheese

So here I am sat at the computer again with yet another bag of American goodness! :o
Herr's Buffalo Blue Cheese flavour cheese curls!
On the top it says "Over baked with real cheese!", but being American
, it's most likely the most minuscule amount of cheese you cold imagine.
Well, would you have ever thought of it?! Cheese is actually high up on the ingredients :o
I've only ever tried blue cheese once when I was a lot younger, but I've had buffalo wings\buffalo sauce a few times. I have a bottle of the sauce in my drawer as we speak.
Going by the packet, these look akin to Wotsits here in the UK
Let's pop this bad boy open and give them a whirl....

WOW! These are massive! They're bigger than my little finger, haha
They smell kind of nasty, that strong, sour smell some cheese have. I'm assuming that's what blue cheese smells like
Mm... They're fairly spicy and you can taste the cheese flavour pretty well. They melt really easily in my mouth leaving a pleasant tingle from the spice behind. The flavour is pretty intense, the crisps themselves are generously covered in flavouring. The cheese is really strong with a fairly sour taste and kicks your tongue into submission, but it gets a bit too much after a few.
There's not too many in the pack, but I guess that's made up for with the size and the intense flavour

Overall these are pretty damn good. Well done, America! Have a sticker *Gives a sticker*
I want to give them a nine out of ten, but the cheese overpowers the buffalo taste a bit more. I'll be awkward and award them eight and a half out of ten ;)

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