Sunday 29 July 2012


Here I have 3 packs of Skittles all the way from America :O
Wild Berry, Blenders and Tropical. In the UK, we can only get plain, sour and crazy cores. I'll be giving a description of them, but not review them (I'm feeling lazy. Maybe I'll do it another day)

So, I'll start of with the UK packs.
Here's the plain fruit one
There pack I have here with me has a competition on saying "Win nearly 50 pound". What an odd prize, haha....
Anywho, the flavours are strawberry (red), blackcurrant (purple), orange (orange), lime (green) and lemon (yellow). I believe these are the same as in the US besides their purple skittle is grape (*cough* soap) flavour
I like these, they're pretty good. The red and purple are my favourites ;)
Today I've also put some of them in a bottle with some vodka in the hope it'll produce a decent drink. I've heard it's nice

Then we have the sour ones
They're not all too sour, just have a slight tang to them. Anywho, the flavours are pineapple (yellow), raspberry (pink), orange (orange), apple (green) and cherry (purple)

Then recently the crazy core flavour has emerged
These ones are a bit different.... They're nice, but not the best. I prefer the sours, in all honesty. The flavours are.... I don't know, haha.... They used to say on the pack, but now they don't. I'm sure you'll find out ;)

So now to the US ones I have
I think I'll go with the wild berry flavour
Here's a picture
It's a different type of pack than the ones on the UK market. And it weights slightly more (by six and a half grams! :o )
So the flavours are raspberry (blue), strawberry (pink), melon berry (green. What the hell's a melon berry?), berry punch (purple. Watch out, it's gonna smack me one) and wild cherry (red. There doesn't seem to be domestic cherries in the US. They're all feral and will rip your limbs off if you come near their nest)
These are artificially and naturally (there's hope for America yet!) flavoured
Let's crack these bad boys open, shall we?
They look the same size and shape as the UK ones, but the strawberry one is a realyl funny off-pink-ish colour. Kind of like a bad sunburnt colour
This guy here has a strawberry skittle on his head (They do look this colour, no kidding)
I do believe it says "With TUI cars you also get attractive convertibles" (I'm learning German ;) )
Hey! The purple one I picked out doesn't even have the S on it >:I

So I'll start with red one. Wild cherry. It's that "cherry" flavour you get all the time. As far as I can remember, cherries don't actually taste like that.... But it's a fairly nice flavour I guess.
Onto the green one, young knave! Melon berry :o I've never even heard of that... Is it just a generic melon crossed with a generic berry flavour? I know melon berry is one of the crazy core flavours in the UK though.... So let's see.... It's odd, I can't quite put my finger on the flavour. It's familiar to me from somewhere, like I've had it before. Probably the crazy core flavours, but yeah.. It's ok, better than the cherry one
No to the berry punch, please don't mug me! :'( Oh wow, this one's nice. It tastes like the generic fruit punch flavour though, and it seems to have a "cool" tasting flavour.
Strawberry, prefer yourself for digestion! Hmm... It tastes like the strawberry from the UK fruit pack, except a bit creamier. It's nice. Best one so far
And now for the last one, raspberry (blue, what a surprise, eh?). I'm hoping this is a nice flavour as raspberry is my favourite fruit flavour :3
It tastes like raspberry jam (you know how jam tastes slightly different from the actual fruit?) Skittles have done raspberry justice. Kudos to you Skittles. Kudos to you
Overall, these are pretty good. On the rate-ometer it scores a delectable eight and a half out of ten :o

Now onto the blue pack, the tropical one
Here's yet another picture :o
Contained in the depths of this pack, hoarded away from my prying eyes are the flavours of pineapple passionfruit (blue), banana berry (yellow), mango tangelo (orange), kiwi lime (green) and strawberry starfruit (pink)
Let's crack 'em open! HYAH!
I'm gonna start with the orange one, mango tangelo, simply because I have no idea what a tangelo is. *Googles it* Oh wow, haha. It's like an orange with a nipple on top *immature moment*!

It just tastes of orange, if I'm honest. Nothing special in my eyes. Maybe I'm just being dumb and not noticing the mango.
Now for the banana berry one. I'm not a fan of bananas, but I don't mind banana milkshake. I've never really had anything else banana flavoured. But hey, this is quite nice. You can really notice the banana and the berry is also there to give it a slightly less tropical taste to it
Limes are one of my least favourite fruits, so I'll go for the kiwi lime flavour next. I've only ever had a kiwi when I was really young, so I can't remember what they taste like. This is the niest flavour I've had so far
Now for the strawberry and starfruit. I've never had a starfruit before, but they look interesting. Maybe I shall have to invest in purchasing one from supermarket over yonder in the near future. These ones are sunburn colour too. hmm... It's an odd flavour. I'm not too keen
And last but not least, the most, in my eyes, tropical sounding flavour in the pack. Pineapple passionfruit. Hmm... It's kind of musky tasting, I don't like this one.... Skittles, I am disappoint
Instructions for use. 1) Replace "son" with "skittles" 2) Be finished
I'll give this pack a mere 6 out of ten

And now for the final chapter of our adventure today, Skittles Blenders
This pack's full of interesting sounding flavours (all of which seem to be trademarked...)
And they are melon berry burst (blue), strawberry lime blast (pink), cherry tropicolada (red), watermelon green apple freeze (green) and mango lemonade freeze (orange). Maybe the "freeze" flavours have a menthol kind of thing going on?
Let's try the cherry one first. It has an interesting name. It's a funny taste, ugh. Not really too nice, but I recognise it from somewhere....
How about the strawberry lime one next? Yes, that sounds like a plan. The lime is really overpowering in this one. It's quite a strong flavour. It tastes like some drink I've tried before. Here's a picture
The mango lemon freeze one is next. It taste like a slightly tropical lemonade. Nothing too exciting.
Now the watermelon green apple. The melon is really noticeable in this one. I can't even taste any apple at all really
And the last one, melon berry. It tastes pretty much the same as the melon berry from the wild berry pack. How original....
I've noticed that in pretty much all five of these flavours, I can only really notice one of the fruits from it. I'll give this the same rating as the last pack, six out of ten

There's loads more flavours of skittles, but I'm not too sure where I can get them one. I really want to try the chocolate ones :D

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