Sunday 22 July 2012

Let the eating commence!

So I noticed there were some new products in Asda today (Well, I'm pretty sure they're new, I haven't seen them before, but then again, I've just come back from a 2 week holiday) which looked rather interesting, so I  thought I'd check them out.
I was going to take some pictures of the packaging\contents, but my camera seems to have died on me.... Maybe I'll be able to find some lying around on Teh Interwebzz :o

So... first one... Oooh... I can taste the excitement! *Drools*

Swizzels Matlow Double Lollies Squashies

I found a picture! :o Except my pack doesn't have the clear bit in the middle....
Anywho... Time to open them...
If I can....
Screw this, I'm getting some scissors, haha. Tear here, my arse

So after finally managing to get them open, WAFT! My face is pummelled with the smell. Smells kind of like a gone off apple and blackberry flavour.
There looks to be three different types in here - a red and orange one, a white and yellow one, and a green and purple one. And they're coated in fine sugar, hooray, mess on my desk! :D
So, the red and orange one... Hmm... Not bad... Berry-ish...
The white and yellow... I think this is supposed to be pineapple
And the green and purple... What a surprise, my thoughts were correct, apple and blackberry (or is it blackcurrant? I can never taste the difference)
They're kind of like a chewy marshmallow thing. But from what I remember, double lollies don't actually taste anything like these...
There's no zip thing or sealing-sticker like some packets have, so I imagine these will go hard and stale very quickly in my drawer.
EDIT: Oh wait a minute, there is one of those stickers! Herp derp 8D
Mnyeh, seven out of ten, I guess....


Something similar, Swizzels Matlow (I always thought that was a funny name) Love Hearts Squashies
Have a picture

I have a feeling these are just going to be the generic gummy thing with the foam-ish bottom, aren't they? Ah well, time to crack 'em open!
That was much less of an effort than the last bag... They don't smell too great though...
Looks to me like there's 6 colours\flavours. Purple, green, off-white, yellow, a funny orange\pink and a pink. All with "romantic" messages written on them. "STOP IT" one of them says. That's not love, that's telling your stalker to go away... "CHASE ME" now that's telling your stalker to advance on their creepiness... I never understood the messages on Love Hearts
Oh wait, I've found an orange one! ...and it looks half eaten... I think that orange\pink one is supposed to be pink, it just absorbed half of this orange one. Anywho, let's give them a go
Flavours - white is pineapple, yellow is... you guessed it, lemon, green is ugh, lime! The most evil of the citrus fruits! The orange one is... :o Avocado! Nah, it's not really. You can probably guess the flavour. Purple is blackcurrant (or is it blackberry?) and the final pink one is cherry? I think? A funny kind of cherry, really weak.
These are ok, I guess, nothing special about them. Haribo have been doing this kind of thing for ages. Stick with the hard Love hearts, in my opinion.
Like the other packet above, no way of resealing it to keep them as fresh as a daisy, but ah well.
A whopping.....5 out of 10!

I bought a few more pieces from Asda, but I'm feeling lazy, so I'll do them later ;)


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