Sunday 22 July 2012

Let the eating continue!

And welcome back, my pretties, nyaha, haha, hahahahaHAHA!

I got bored, so I decided to do another review. This time of Kellog's Squares Rocky Road

Here's a delectable image for your eyes to devour

I've always been a fan of Squares

So onto taste testing...
Not bad, the chocolate taste isn't to strong. It's chewy yet crispy at the same time (Like humans) with some hard chunks of chocolate (Also like humans, well, maybe not).
It kind of sticks to your front teeth a bit, so I'd avoid eating one before going out on a date, unless you want to put them off their dindins
There's a hint of vanilla, which I'm guess is from the marshmallow. It's a bit too overpowering compared to the chocolate flavour, in my opinion...
The packaging is rather sleek and sexy, but the actual product... You can make similar things at home for a fraction of the price, but they're likely to turn out looking like a big turd (Unless you're good at cooking... Or a woman... Haha)

A rather healthy, yet pale looking six out of ten! :o

Until next time, folks, good bye!

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