Saturday 28 July 2012

jolly Rancher Watermelon Drink

Today I've got a nice, big bottle of soderp, I mean soda, on my desk
Here's a picture....
It's an awesome bright red colour (Chemicals maybe?)
It's 591ml which seems like bit of an odd amount for a bottle, but America still uses the imperial system (We do with some things, but not all)
I've had Jolly Rancher sweets before, and they're really nice. I'm hoping this is the same :D
It best still be fizzy....
Huzzah! It is!

MMMM.... It smells so artificial! 8D
But a nice artificial :3

Let's give it a go....
It's pretty sweet, but the flavour is kind of week. If I remember correctly, the sweets had a tang to them? This doesn't. The flavour's not as strong as the sweets either.
It's too sweet for my liking

I don't think I'll be buying this again, but I might try the other flavours available
Rating time! :o
I tinik I'll give it a 5 out of ten ;)

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