Thursday 30 August 2012

DG Jamaica Strawberry Soda

Here's a drink I found on the Afro-Caribbean stall in the market up town
There isn't many strawberry fizzy drinks around, so I thought I'd try this. Fanta Strawberry was a big let down when I tried it (I didn't review it though), it was all syrupy and really sweet
I also picked up a grape can and they were 65p each. A bit steep for a 330ml can, but I'm guessing it's imported, so it's not all that bad

It smells promising....
It tastes.... Just ok....
But it's a lot better than the Fanta strawberry. It's not overly sweet and syrupy, but it still is quite sweet. It tastes kind of artificial too

I probably won't buy it again unless it was really cheap (say, 20 or 30 pence)
It's not that it's a bad drink, it's just nothing special....
5 out of 10


Yesterday I popped into the Polish supermarket again to see what I could found. I grabbed so much, I had to get a friend to help carry it all (I didn't pick up a basket. But then again, I don't think they have any)
I can find a picture of an English (American?) version, but not the ones I found, so here's a picture for your eyes (I've bought a new camera recently)

After a bit of research, I've found out these are a German product and are made by the same company as Werther's Originals (I never knew that was German....)
The entire packaging is in Polish, but you can guess what flavours they are from the pictures. The top one is cherry and banana and the bottom one looks like apple and melon

They look a bit like Maoams or something
Cherry+Banana (Top), Apple+Melon (Bottom)
Let's try the cherry and banana first. Simply because I can't say I've ever heard of that combination before and I'm not the biggest fan of banana ever
It's instantly banana-ish and not so much cherry-ish. But it's a nice banana flavour. It's pretty good

Now the melon and apple....
This one's good. Really melon-ish, but you can still taste the apple underneath
They're moderately soft, but you need to work them around before you can chew them easily, but they're not bad for what I paid for them (about 25p per pack)

8 out of 10 :o

Friday 24 August 2012

Jack Link's Chicken Bites Flamin' Buffalo Style

These were picked up in B&M. They sounded really good so I bought 8 packs without even knowing what they're like, haha
At 29p a packet, you can't go wrong. But I was surprised to see something like this not in a fridge. It says on the pack they don't need to be refrigerated as well, but I put them in the fridge when I got home anyway. The pack I have with me, however, isn't from the fridge. I took them to work for my break but I didn't end up eating them, so they're a bit warm

Now, I like chicken. I like spicy food even more (Damn, I could've got some spicy chicken from Asda today....), so these sounded awesome to me. Let's open them up, shall we?
There's a little sachet to suck up any moisture, so don't try and sprinkle it everywhere thinking it's salt or you'll end up not feeling too well. They smell kind of funny and off, but at the same time, pleasantly warm and spicy. They're not too big, just enough for a bite, like the name says.
Mmmm... They're kind of dry and tough, but they have a really nice taste to them. It's only mildly spicy (I always thought Buffalo was a really hot flavour?) I can't quite tell what's in it, but it's great either way
You only get a handful of decent size pieces and then there's a load of straggly bits at the bottom, but they're just as good if not better due to the fact they're not as tough

I really like these, I think they're great :D
If you see any, they're definitely worth trying out ;)
Nine out of ten!

Thursday 23 August 2012

Thermo Booster Cool Blue

I popped into JTF today (It's a discount warehouse shop) and saw this by the tills along with a red flavour (I got one of them too)
I've never heard of this before, nor have I heard of QNT. And the same goes for cool blue flavour....
Maybe it's minty?
So this is a caffeiney energy drink, but blue. Something I've never seen before. Besides Powerade, but I don't think that has caffeine in, does it? Either way, it's an odd colour for an energy drink. I'm interested to see what flavour it is. It has an awesome colour

Swig time approaches us....

Well... That's an odd flavour... It's definitely fruity, but kind of bitter tasting. The label states it contains sweeteners, but.... It can't.... It's too bitter for that to be possible. I think it's a blue raspberry kind of taste, but I'm not entirely sure on this, to be honest. For 99p, I guess it's a decent price for the amount you get, but the taste you get.... I'm not gonna recommend it
But in all honesty, it's handy being in a sports bottle. Cans aren't resealable (besides that No Fear drink)
3 out of 5

Monday 20 August 2012

Poult Tartelettes À La Framboise

Here's yet another thing I picked up at B&M. I bought two packs for 39p each
When I picked them up, I thought they were just jam tarts (The text is French, a language I can't speak besides the odd word), but in fact they're biscuits with raspberry jam in the middle. They sound pretty good, in my opinions. Eight in a pack
They're roughly two inches in diameter
Time to try one.... The biscuit is really crumbly and tastes fairly coconuty. The jam has a strong flavour to start off with but then it dies down and all you an taste is coconut. I'm not a big fan of coconut, to be honest
They're not bad for the price I paid, and I could eat two packs and maybe buy another if I w ent back there and there was some in stock. But I wouldn't be bothered at all if there wasn't any around
Six and a half out of ten

Suso Tropical Fizz

Here's another thing I picked up at B&M
I've seen these before but in the thin 250ml cans. They used to be 99p a pop :o
But this was 29p for a 330ml can, bargain ;)
It's a sexy looking can, along with the others in the range
So this is the tropical flavour and it has 60% juice, carbonated and no added sugar. Sounds good so far. I have high hopes for this. If it's good, I might go back and get some more. On the back it says the fruits inside are grape, apple, orange, lemon, acerola (what the hell is that?), mango, passion fruit and pineapple
It should be better than the LOL drink I tried the other day

So now it's time to crack it open straight from the fridge.... Oh yeah....

It's the usual tropical juice colour, yellowy orange. It smells kind of like Lilt too....
It tastes kind of watered down and weak, but besides that, it's pretty good. Really tropical tasting and not just mostly orange like most tropical juice drinks

If they put less water in, it'd be a definite nine out of ten, but at the moment I can only give it a even out of ten. But well worth the 29p I paid for it. If there's a B&M near you or a similar discount warehouse type shop, have a look for them in there ;)

Barr Strike Energy

I've not long got back from town today, and whilst up there, I popped into B&M to see what bargains they had. They usually sell things a lot cheaper than the RRP. Like this drink says 49p on the can, but they were selling them for 3 for a quid or 39p each. Not bad, eh? I bought six ;) Let's hope they're ok
Aarrrrr, thar be a picture for ye, jim lad

Striking appearance for Strike Energy, don't you think? I'm digging the whole red on black look. It really caught my eye in the shop. On the back it says "Carbonated mixed flavour energy drink with added taurine, caffeine and vitamins"
Mixed flavour? Mixed what? Mixed elephants? Mixed chairs? Mixed fruit? Personally I'm hoping for elephant. That'd be different
So it has the usual caffeine content, ie. 30mg per 100ml ad these cans are 330ml
Thinking about it, I don't think I've ever seen an energy drink in this size, they're usually either 250ml or half litres
I put this is the fridge a few minutes ago, but I'm doubting it's been chilled enough. It's a nasty, hot, muggy day today

Time to pour it into a glass
It's the usual colour and has the usual smell. It tastes really sweet and kind of.... what is that.... pineapple? It's slightly tropical compared to the usual bog-standard taste of these kind of drinks. Also a bit syrupy
But it's allll gooooddd

Seven out of ten
Not bad for the price

Saturday 18 August 2012

Moshi Monsters Fruity Yummy Gummies

I have no idea what Moshi Monsters are, but I see them all the time in Asda. I think it's some game website? Pfffff, dunno
I think it's aimed at younger kids (I probably looked a bit odd buying these at Asda, haha) by the pictures of the cute animal things on the front and just the general feel of it. I'm imagining these are basically the average old gummy sweet just in the shape of these monster things. The pack feels half empty (what a surprise)

After opening the bag, I've counted 11 sweet about the size of a 2p coin and about just under a centimetre thick maybe. Some are all gummy, some have a foam bit on the back and some are just the foamy bits. The shapes only just resemble something, they just look like malformed blobs and one looks like a turd. Ah well, maybe they taste better. They look nothing like what they do on the pack

All I can smell is cola flavouring. Let's try this charcoal-black looking gummy cat thing. It stands out from all the others which are orangey-yellow colours. Now, I have no idea what flavour this is supposed to be. A very nasty blackcurrant flavour? It's not too nice either way. There's also a brown foamy sweet and a pink one. The brown one is cola (ugh) and the pink one is funny bubblegum flavour. There's also orange and brown foamy-backed gummies. I'm not to sure what the brown one is and the orange one is what I'm guessing is orange. It's kind of weak
The ones left are only an off-pinky-orange, brown and yellow gummies. I guess I better try these ones too. What a wide variety of colours.... The off pink one is a pear flavour. And not a nice pear flavour too. The brown one is, yup, cola. And last but not least, the yellow one is lemon
So overall, not the best of flavours but has a somewhat attractive packaging and I think this Moshi Monster thing is pretty big with the younger kids, so it's more aimed towards them and you know what kids are like....
4 out of 10

Friday 17 August 2012

LOL Razz Bri

What a great name, eh? Haha
I think it's pretty obvious by the feel of the name and picture what demographic group this is aimed at. It's a fizzy 75% fruit juice drink with no added sugar\colours\sweeteners\caffeine\crap and so on. I'm guessing it's for younger kids as an alternative to sugary carbonated drinks like Fanta or energy drinks. But the thing is, fruit juice is nearly as bad as other drinks for sugar, aren't they?
There were two other flavours on sale in Asda, but I'll review them at a later date (EDIT: I've actually already drank these, haha. I give them a 6 out of 10 for both). They were all a pound a piece (a bit steep if you ask me), but these really caught my eye and sound pretty good. The name and flavour is even written how little kids write online :o
Yay! Bad spelling! Haha

It's a pretty cool looking can albeit it a bit gimmicky, but hey, let's pop this beast open and wreak havoc upon my innards. Oh wait, I can't, it's crap free >:I

It smells really strong of raspberry (even though it's only 2% raspberry juice. The other 73% is apple juice. It's the same with the other flavours). A really nice smell

:O Guess what I've just realised? I've finally found something which is raspberry flavour using real raspberry and it's not blue!!!!!! There is a god!

But anywho, It's only mildly fizzy and doesn't taste as strong as it smells, it's kind of weak. I'm sure I can detect a slight bit of ginger or something similar too? I don't know....

Overall, it's pretty good, but I feel it's selling more on a gimmick than the actual product. Maybe this will be the new thing I'm going to be picking up in the car park at work when the school kids go back after the holidays
If you see it fairly cheap, give it a go. I give it eight and a half out of ten ;)

Tuesday 14 August 2012

Jolly Rancher Fruit Chews

These were picked up in Truro while I was down Cornwall visiting the missus from a small sweet shop by the cathedral
Now, unfortunately I didn't get a single apple on in the box I bought. What the hell?!?!
But ah well, Apple isn't my favourite flavour ever
But other than apple, the flavours are cherry, watermelon and red raspberry
No, just kidding, it's blue raspberry
I've had various Jolly Rancher sweets before, so I know they're pretty decent
I also have a bag of hard ones, but they'll be reviewed some other day

So let's start with the watermelon flavour. It's in a pale-ish pink wrapper and the chew itself is a funny pink-ish-slightly-orange colour. It's fairly sticker and there's always remnants of the wrapper stuck to it.This flavour is pretty sweet. It does't taste like what I remember watermelon tastes like (I haven't had it in a long time), but it's a nice flavour. Kind of refreshing and cool, not too hard on the ol' taste buds. The texture is fairly soft and when you chew, you accumulate a fair bit of juice in your mouth.

Then onto the blue raspberry. This one's in a blue wrapper and is blue itself (what a surprise). The taste is pretty strong and has a slight tang to it, in my opinion. It's the usual blue raspberry flavour but a bit stronger

And now for the cherry, my favourite Jolly Rancher flavour. I love these. It's in a deep red wrapper and so it the sweet. These have an amazing flavour. It's not the same cherry flavour a everything else out there. It reminds me of those cheapo round lollipops you can get. It definitely stands out from most other cherry things. Maybe I'll try to get the drink one day....

The box is also nice. There's a little flap on the back which allow you to close the box and not have the top pop open. That's pretty handy

But overall (besides the apple flavour), if you like bold, slap in the face flavours, and prefer to chew things than have sugar floating around your mouth for minutes forming cavities, I can't recommend these enough. I think they're brilliant and will probably get some more at some point

Nine out of ten!

Saturday 11 August 2012

Poppets Strawberry Milkshake

My girlfriend and I went to Truro today and there's an old fashioned sweet shop there. But they also sell other stuff and a small American section too
I found these in said shop
They sound pretty good, but whether they actually are or not... We'll find out

You can just about smell the strawberry over the chocolate
They're not really pink inside like on the box, but more of an off white colour. The inside is quite solid, but bite-able and not too hard. It does taste like strawberry milkshake, but it's not the strongest thing ever, but it goes well with the chocolate. Not bad

Seven out of ten

Friday 10 August 2012

Monster Energy Absolutely Zero

I'm not usually a fan of Monster, but this can caught my eye
It's a pretty funky looking can

So this is a zero sugar, calorie free energy drink. I don't get that. Surely if you're wanting energy, you want sugar and calories so your body actually has something to burn? After a spot of research, I've come to understand that caffeine itself doesn't give you energy (as far as I know, only sugars and carbs can be "burned" for energy, but I'm not biologist), but one of its functions is to "tell" your liver to release more sugar into the bloodstream for your body to use. But what good is that if there's no sugar to be released? Obviously there will be from reserves or whatever you ate earlier, but not from this drink. It also blocks adenosine, which is the chemical which tells your brain it's time to sleep. But that doesn't mean you'll have the energy to do stuff, you just won't be able to sleep (as I've found out many times before because of energy drinks)
But don't take all this as a fact, I'm just writing what I'm understanding by reading various materials on the net....
I'm thinking this is more for hipsters who want to look cool by holding a monster can, but also want to fit into the hippy healthy group by not consuming calories or sugar, so they don't end up fat (but if you're having an energy drink, surely you're wanting to do some sort of exercise anyway?)

So anywho, let's pop this baby open and suckle upon its juicy innards
It's the usual urine colour, which pretty much every other drink in this market has, but with a slightly green tinge. It smells mildly fruity, but not all too different from the rest of the bunch. It's sweet, really sweet. And tastes kind of flowery and delicate. There's not all that much flavour to it. I don't really like it, to be honest. But I'm not one to pour money down the drain (these things aren't too cheap) so I guess I better drink it. Unfortunately

This drink isn't for me really and I wouldn't recommend it at all
Two out of ten (Only because it's not gut wrenchingly disgusting)

Chocolate Icons Miniature Mix

It ain't half hot today in England....
Just popped into Camborne to pick up some bits and pieces for a BBQ my girlfriend and I are having later on today (People better turn up, half of them we asked didn't get back to us) and I saw this while looking for a pair of tongs in Pound Stretcher
Here be a picture
One I took myself! :o
I couldn't find anything online, picture of info-wise

It's a pack of bitesize chocolates filled with various gooey things! My favourite type of chocolates from things like Roses or Quality Street
Let's rip open the pack and give 'em a go
They're all individually wrapped with various colours representing various types

I think I'll try the crème goo one first. It's in a red and yellow foil wrapper. I imagine this is a crème egg type thing. Yeh, it is. With yellow and white fondant inside. It has a slight fruity-caramely taste to it unlike crème eggs. I don't know if it's what's been absorbed from the other chocolates or what, but it's ok. Not the best

Onto the caramel goo. This one's in a blue and yellow wrapper. Gah! The chocolate has been cracked and it's all stuck to the wrapper >:I
It's a really funny tasting caramel, has the same sort of flavour as the crème but on top of a caramel\fudge-ish flavour. I'm not too keen on this one, to be honest. It's a bit too creamy for my liking

In a green and yellow wrapper is a mint one. This one looks like dark chocolate (ugh). I've noticed that most mint crème chocolates use dark chocolate....
It's not the mintiest of things, but it's a refreshing taste. But I'm not too keen on the bitter taste from the chocolate

Hmmm... Which one now? Strawberry or orange? I think Orange.
This one's in a purple and yellow wrapper (why not orange?) It's really sweet and doesn't have a citrus-ish tang which I like from orange crème things. The orange flavour is only just noticeable

And last but not least, the strawberry one. This one's in a red and blue wrapper. Again, it's really sweet tasting and tastes only just of strawberry. It's more of an artificial taste, in all honesty. Meh, not as good as things like quality street

All in all, if you're after something cheap to share for something like, say, a movie night, then these are probably good for you, but if you're looking for something a bit more than that, I wouldn't suggest these
Five out of ten
Not bad, not good

Thursday 9 August 2012


So it says on the top of the can
There's a picture of it. How wonderful
Looks like just any old cheap energy drink and I'm guessing it's from Poland or marketed to be sold there as there's ingredients in Polish on one side and English on the other
There's the usual crap written on the can, ie. Caffeine, Taurine and the like
Speaking of writing things like that on cans, how come you don't see other food packages with some of the ingredients slapped on the front in big, bold letters? Probably because half of the food sold would just have long chemical names on the front like 2-4-6-trihydrobutanolicpentaphosphatehydroxidecalcifromaldehydro-6-ethanolicaluminibumflakerubidinucleic-4-ol acid hydrate of tin
I just made that up and it doesn't even sound like a real molecule, but you never know.... They only ever write "flavourings". Who knows what that counts as?

Let's give it a go then, shall we?

Smells like any old energy drink....
But it tastes kind of.... earthy. You know when you have potatoes but they still taste a bit muddy? Imagine that slightly muddy flavour in an energy drink on top of the usual "fruit" flavour (Most of them say fruit flavour, but I can never tell which ones?) and you've got this. It's slightly vegeatble-ish

I guess it's drinkable like every other average copy-cat energy drink available on the market, but it doesn't stand out from the crowd. Why should I buy this one over, say, Emerge or Rockstar? Mostly because it's fairly cheap. I think I paid 25-30 pence for this, so I guess I can't complain. You get what you pay for, right?

Four out of ten (Get rid of the funny mud taste and it'd be a five)

Tuesday 7 August 2012


First of all, what a funny name, haha
Except on my can it has the "uss" starred out. Maybe because I bought it in Tesco and they're not allowed to show it because it's a family store? I dunno....
It's a pretty sleek looking can, kind of modern looking
The back says (It's a funny font and kind of hard to read) "A refreshing sparkling Lychee and Grenadilla flavour juice drink made with 100% natural ingredients including botanical extracts and caffeine"

That's a rather fancy flavour, but what the hell's grenadilla?
Anywho, let's give it a taste. I can't wait to taste this pussy (LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL)

It smells really fruity and kind of mango-and-passionfruit-ish.
Ugh, it doesn't taste as nice. It tastes somewhat watered down and musky.
And slightly bitter too

Nah, this isn't for me. I'm not really a pussy guy, more of a boob guy, haha
Oh dear, the jokes you could make with this drink....
I'll save them for later
Three out of ten

Sunday 5 August 2012

Mogyi Micro Pop Cheese Flavour

Here's another thing I saw in the Polish Supermarket. It caught my eye. Cheese flavoured popcorn???
How odd...

It looks like this but in English :o

It's in the microwave as we speak and I can hear it popping from upstairs....
Powerful stuff, haha

As well as being my first experience with foreign cheese flavoured popcorn, it's also my first experience with micro popcorn. I've added a bit of salt to these too

They smell rather nice, kind of like cheesy mash. And they taste ok too just a hell of a lot of them, haha. I didn't think there'd be this much....
They're not the cheesiest of things, but it's a nice flavour when you hit some. Maybe I'll melt some cheese on top or something
They're a bit dry, but very addictive. Pretty good. If I were in the shop again, I'd probably pick up another packet
Seven out of ten

Saturday 4 August 2012

Lolidarność Mister Ron

Here's something I picked up in the Polish supermarket on another trip into today today
Luckily the pack I found had some English on too, so I could actually find out what they are
They're a strawberry and cream thing covered in chocolate. Or something like that. They sound pretty nice

They're individually wrapped and about 2cm in diameter. You can smell the strawberry and chocolate as soon as you open the bag. Now let's open my mouth and try one. It's not a liquidy-caramely-fondant type thing, kind of the same texture as a crumbly fudge. The chocolate on the outside is slightly dark (I'm not a fan of dark chocolate), but the inside has a really delicate taste, really creamy
If they used milk chocolate, it'd be a lot better, but they're not bad
Six out of ten

Wednesday 1 August 2012

Pawatek Cherry

Here's one of the chocolate bars I picked up from the Polish supermarket
Unfortunately I can't find a picture on the internet anywhere, nor a website for them. Here's a crappy picture from my brother's iPod

This is basically a chocolate bar with a cherry flavoured fondant on the inside (with alcohol ;) )
The alcohol content, according to the ingredients, is 2%
Now that's the same as Asda's smart price lager. Maybe if you have enough of these, you get drunk? Maybe I'll try it one day....
But you don't even need any ID to buy these, even with the moderately high alcohol content. But I ain't complaining
I've already had these before (and things similar to it. Maybe they're big in Poland?), so I know I like them. Expect more reviews of various other flavours

Let's crack it open ;D
The chocolate taste isn't the most noticeable thing ever over the cherry flavour. But the cherry flavour is amazing. It's much better than most cherry flavour things and it actually tastes somewhat reminiscent of the fruit (unlike most things)
You can feel the alcohol with a slight warmth on your tongue and a slight bitter taste, but it blends really well
Overall, I think these are great, and at only 30 odd pence a pop, I'd definately go back and get some more

Nine out of ten!

Charleston Chew

This was picked up on my trip into town the other day in a sweet shop which has a small American section
Well, well, well.... It's artificially flavoured! :o
What a surprise!
You can smell the vanilla through the pack. It's a nice smell

So this is nougat covered in chocolate. Let's give it a go

The chocolate taste is really nice and it's soft and gooey on the inside. Really soft. Usually nougat nougat needs a bit of chewing before it softens up, but this is almost marshmallow like. It's not too thickly covered in chocolate, it's just about right. Imagine a milky way with a bit more chew to the inside
Pretty nice

Eight out of ten! 8D

Hools Energy Drink Tequila Power

I picked this up in the Polish supermarket the other day. I saw it and though "Tequila flavoured energy drink? Odd...."
I think the can I have has been re-marketed for the UK market. The ingredients are in English and so is one side of the can
I've never tried tequila before and I've heard it's not the nicest of drinks. But I thought it was something different, so why not, eh?

It smells kind of odd, but as if it is supposed to be an alcoholic drink. It's the same colour as pretty much every other energy drink out there
Time to give it a go.... I'm not looking forward to this, it smells nasty Dx

Well, it tastes a lot better than it smells. Really sweet and has an after taste similar to that of rum (I've tried rum before. Is tequila similar to that?)
I can't say I prefer it over most energy drinks, but it's drinkable. Once you get past the smell, it's not too bad, I guess. I'm sure people who like tequila would like this more than me.

Five out of ten. I probably won't buy it again though

Pork Farms Toastables Bacon And Brown Sauce

I've just got back from work and before I go back to sleep, I thought I'd punish and torture my mouth and digestive system with on of these
I actually did this one in the toaster, but it got a tad burnt on the edges. On the back it says "Pork sausage meat, smoked bacon and brown sauce"
21% of it is filling. That's more than the last one. Maybe it's better
It's slightly crispier, but in more of a flaky pastry kind of way. But like the other one yesterday, there's no taste of the filling. When I bought this, I was expecting a slice or two of real bacon smothered in brown sauce between the bread\pastry type thing. I really can't taste the saltiness from the bacon nor the tanginess from the brown sauce
I'm a big fan of bacon baps with brown sauce, but, Pork Farms, you have let me down. You are no longer my friend :(
I was hoping this one was better with being toasted and the better flavour, but, boy, how wrong was I?
I suppose I better finish this atrocity off before I let it go mouldy in some distant corner in my room, forgotten by the rest of the world

I give it a TEN OUT OF TEN! For blandness....
For the product itself, two out of ten