Tuesday 31 July 2012

Pork Farms Toastables Cheese And Ham

Here's something I found in the pound shop up town in the fridge. Usually I don't trust things in the pound shop fridge (the bacon's always a funny colour), but this sounded pretty good. I also picked up a bacon and brown sauce one, but I'll try that another day
I'm lazy and couldn't be bothered to get the toaster out, so I put it in the microwave for a minute. I'm sure they'd be much better from the toaster, including crispier (it seems kind of floppy at the moment). So it's basically cheese and ham (or a mush of said ingredients) in pastry somewhat representing that all time favourite breakfast food item, toasted bread. On the back it says "...crisp golden pastry". Crisp? Crisp? Hahahaha.... I'll try the other one in the toaster and comment on the crispiness then. But this one is about as flaccid as... <Insert your own comment here>
So onto tasting it....
It's really bland and tastes just like pastry. I can only just notice any kind of filling. The texture feels the same all the way through. Soggy pastry with soggy pastry on the inside. I wouldn't be surprised if this was literally just a lump of pastry, because that's what it tastes and feels like. There's no slice of ham in it, so it has to be all mushed up with "cheese"
I just read the back and there's 6% reformed ham, 5% processed cheese and 4% cheddar cheese. So that's only 15% filling. I was right, this is basically a lump of pastry.
If you love chewing on cardboard, then this is the snack for you! 8D
It's a good idea, but really poorly executed
2 out of 10

Thank god I've finished that....

Pr1mo High Revs Stimulation Drink

While I was in town today, I popped into Lion Food Centre which is a like a big eastern European (I think) supermarket-type-thing. Most of the stuff in there is in what I'm guessing is Polish and a lot of the stuff doesn't have English on the back either, just other languages like Czech or Hungarian. But they do have some English stuff.
I bought a couple of energy drinks and a couple of chocolate bars.
But today I'm gonna wet my whistle with Pr1mo High Revs Stimulation Drink! :o

I've never seen this drink before and it looked rather interesting, so naturally I bought a couple
Sorry for the not too good picture
On the back it says it's a strawberry and kiwi flavour stimulation drink. That's the same flavour as Fanta beach (which is awesome!) which, unfortunately, has been discontinued. So maybe I can get this instead. But at 70p a can, maybe I won't.
It's a pretty cool looking can. I'm assuming it has some sort of connection with racing.
Anyway, let's put another shrimp on the barbie! I mean, open it... *Ahem*
It smells really strawberry-ish and kind of sweet
Oh wow! That's nice! I mean  really nice. I can't say I can notice the kiwi, but strawberry flavour drinks aren't all too common in the UK. It tastes like Ribena strawberry but with that slightly metallic taste you get with caffeine drinks
Pretty good. I probably wouldn't go all the way into town for just this, but if I were up town, I'd definitely walk the way to pick some up
Eight out of ten! If you see this anywhere, then I urge you to try it ;) You shan't regret it

Sunday 29 July 2012


Here I have 3 packs of Skittles all the way from America :O
Wild Berry, Blenders and Tropical. In the UK, we can only get plain, sour and crazy cores. I'll be giving a description of them, but not review them (I'm feeling lazy. Maybe I'll do it another day)

So, I'll start of with the UK packs.
Here's the plain fruit one
There pack I have here with me has a competition on saying "Win nearly 50 pound". What an odd prize, haha....
Anywho, the flavours are strawberry (red), blackcurrant (purple), orange (orange), lime (green) and lemon (yellow). I believe these are the same as in the US besides their purple skittle is grape (*cough* soap) flavour
I like these, they're pretty good. The red and purple are my favourites ;)
Today I've also put some of them in a bottle with some vodka in the hope it'll produce a decent drink. I've heard it's nice

Then we have the sour ones
They're not all too sour, just have a slight tang to them. Anywho, the flavours are pineapple (yellow), raspberry (pink), orange (orange), apple (green) and cherry (purple)

Then recently the crazy core flavour has emerged
These ones are a bit different.... They're nice, but not the best. I prefer the sours, in all honesty. The flavours are.... I don't know, haha.... They used to say on the pack, but now they don't. I'm sure you'll find out ;)

So now to the US ones I have
I think I'll go with the wild berry flavour
Here's a picture
It's a different type of pack than the ones on the UK market. And it weights slightly more (by six and a half grams! :o )
So the flavours are raspberry (blue), strawberry (pink), melon berry (green. What the hell's a melon berry?), berry punch (purple. Watch out, it's gonna smack me one) and wild cherry (red. There doesn't seem to be domestic cherries in the US. They're all feral and will rip your limbs off if you come near their nest)
These are artificially and naturally (there's hope for America yet!) flavoured
Let's crack these bad boys open, shall we?
They look the same size and shape as the UK ones, but the strawberry one is a realyl funny off-pink-ish colour. Kind of like a bad sunburnt colour
This guy here has a strawberry skittle on his head (They do look this colour, no kidding)
I do believe it says "With TUI cars you also get attractive convertibles" (I'm learning German ;) )
Hey! The purple one I picked out doesn't even have the S on it >:I

So I'll start with red one. Wild cherry. It's that "cherry" flavour you get all the time. As far as I can remember, cherries don't actually taste like that.... But it's a fairly nice flavour I guess.
Onto the green one, young knave! Melon berry :o I've never even heard of that... Is it just a generic melon crossed with a generic berry flavour? I know melon berry is one of the crazy core flavours in the UK though.... So let's see.... It's odd, I can't quite put my finger on the flavour. It's familiar to me from somewhere, like I've had it before. Probably the crazy core flavours, but yeah.. It's ok, better than the cherry one
No to the berry punch, please don't mug me! :'( Oh wow, this one's nice. It tastes like the generic fruit punch flavour though, and it seems to have a "cool" tasting flavour.
Strawberry, prefer yourself for digestion! Hmm... It tastes like the strawberry from the UK fruit pack, except a bit creamier. It's nice. Best one so far
And now for the last one, raspberry (blue, what a surprise, eh?). I'm hoping this is a nice flavour as raspberry is my favourite fruit flavour :3
It tastes like raspberry jam (you know how jam tastes slightly different from the actual fruit?) Skittles have done raspberry justice. Kudos to you Skittles. Kudos to you
Overall, these are pretty good. On the rate-ometer it scores a delectable eight and a half out of ten :o

Now onto the blue pack, the tropical one
Here's yet another picture :o
Contained in the depths of this pack, hoarded away from my prying eyes are the flavours of pineapple passionfruit (blue), banana berry (yellow), mango tangelo (orange), kiwi lime (green) and strawberry starfruit (pink)
Let's crack 'em open! HYAH!
I'm gonna start with the orange one, mango tangelo, simply because I have no idea what a tangelo is. *Googles it* Oh wow, haha. It's like an orange with a nipple on top *immature moment*!

It just tastes of orange, if I'm honest. Nothing special in my eyes. Maybe I'm just being dumb and not noticing the mango.
Now for the banana berry one. I'm not a fan of bananas, but I don't mind banana milkshake. I've never really had anything else banana flavoured. But hey, this is quite nice. You can really notice the banana and the berry is also there to give it a slightly less tropical taste to it
Limes are one of my least favourite fruits, so I'll go for the kiwi lime flavour next. I've only ever had a kiwi when I was really young, so I can't remember what they taste like. This is the niest flavour I've had so far
Now for the strawberry and starfruit. I've never had a starfruit before, but they look interesting. Maybe I shall have to invest in purchasing one from supermarket over yonder in the near future. These ones are sunburn colour too. hmm... It's an odd flavour. I'm not too keen
And last but not least, the most, in my eyes, tropical sounding flavour in the pack. Pineapple passionfruit. Hmm... It's kind of musky tasting, I don't like this one.... Skittles, I am disappoint
Instructions for use. 1) Replace "son" with "skittles" 2) Be finished
I'll give this pack a mere 6 out of ten

And now for the final chapter of our adventure today, Skittles Blenders
This pack's full of interesting sounding flavours (all of which seem to be trademarked...)
And they are melon berry burst (blue), strawberry lime blast (pink), cherry tropicolada (red), watermelon green apple freeze (green) and mango lemonade freeze (orange). Maybe the "freeze" flavours have a menthol kind of thing going on?
Let's try the cherry one first. It has an interesting name. It's a funny taste, ugh. Not really too nice, but I recognise it from somewhere....
How about the strawberry lime one next? Yes, that sounds like a plan. The lime is really overpowering in this one. It's quite a strong flavour. It tastes like some drink I've tried before. Here's a picture
The mango lemon freeze one is next. It taste like a slightly tropical lemonade. Nothing too exciting.
Now the watermelon green apple. The melon is really noticeable in this one. I can't even taste any apple at all really
And the last one, melon berry. It tastes pretty much the same as the melon berry from the wild berry pack. How original....
I've noticed that in pretty much all five of these flavours, I can only really notice one of the fruits from it. I'll give this the same rating as the last pack, six out of ten

There's loads more flavours of skittles, but I'm not too sure where I can get them one. I really want to try the chocolate ones :D

Saturday 28 July 2012

Herr's Jalapeño Popper Cheese Curls

So now I'm down to the last savoury thing from my shipment from the Stateside Candy Co. :(
These sound really good. Jalapeños - good, cheese - good, crisps - good
What could make for a better recipe?
I've tried making my own jalapeño poppers before, and they're awesome!
I might have to make more one day....

These smells pretty darn good. Let's hope they taste just the same
They taste kind of like a spicy version of Dairylea. The flavour's not a intense as the other pack I've had, but it's a much nicer taste. There's the right amount of spice to leave a tingle on your tongue and the cheese isn't overpowering. Yeh, these are really nice :D
I think I'm gonna have to order some more soon

Therefore, I shall award them with my highest rating so far! Nine out of ten! :D

jolly Rancher Watermelon Drink

Today I've got a nice, big bottle of soderp, I mean soda, on my desk
Here's a picture....
It's an awesome bright red colour (Chemicals maybe?)
It's 591ml which seems like bit of an odd amount for a bottle, but America still uses the imperial system (We do with some things, but not all)
I've had Jolly Rancher sweets before, and they're really nice. I'm hoping this is the same :D
It best still be fizzy....
Huzzah! It is!

MMMM.... It smells so artificial! 8D
But a nice artificial :3

Let's give it a go....
It's pretty sweet, but the flavour is kind of week. If I remember correctly, the sweets had a tang to them? This doesn't. The flavour's not as strong as the sweets either.
It's too sweet for my liking

I don't think I'll be buying this again, but I might try the other flavours available
Rating time! :o
I tinik I'll give it a 5 out of ten ;)

Friday 27 July 2012

Herr's Buffalo Blue Cheese

So here I am sat at the computer again with yet another bag of American goodness! :o
Herr's Buffalo Blue Cheese flavour cheese curls!
On the top it says "Over baked with real cheese!", but being American
, it's most likely the most minuscule amount of cheese you cold imagine.
Well, would you have ever thought of it?! Cheese is actually high up on the ingredients :o
I've only ever tried blue cheese once when I was a lot younger, but I've had buffalo wings\buffalo sauce a few times. I have a bottle of the sauce in my drawer as we speak.
Going by the packet, these look akin to Wotsits here in the UK
Let's pop this bad boy open and give them a whirl....

WOW! These are massive! They're bigger than my little finger, haha
They smell kind of nasty, that strong, sour smell some cheese have. I'm assuming that's what blue cheese smells like
Mm... They're fairly spicy and you can taste the cheese flavour pretty well. They melt really easily in my mouth leaving a pleasant tingle from the spice behind. The flavour is pretty intense, the crisps themselves are generously covered in flavouring. The cheese is really strong with a fairly sour taste and kicks your tongue into submission, but it gets a bit too much after a few.
There's not too many in the pack, but I guess that's made up for with the size and the intense flavour

Overall these are pretty damn good. Well done, America! Have a sticker *Gives a sticker*
I want to give them a nine out of ten, but the cheese overpowers the buffalo taste a bit more. I'll be awkward and award them eight and a half out of ten ;)

Rockstar Recovery Lemonade

So I've just got home from work and I'm knackered. But I need to go have a shower, tidy my room, get dressed and prepare myself mentally and physically for a day of doing bugger all. What better way to give me the boost I need than a nice, cool energy drink from the fridge?
Here's a picture
It's a pretty cool looking can
In my opinion, that seems to be the main focus of drinks like these and Relentless or Monster. They're like the fashionable thing to be seen drinking
I'm happy with a 29p can of Emerge, to be honest
It has the usual crap on the can. Taurine, Ginseng, Caffeine, blah blah
Not long ago, I found out that the taurine contained in drinks like these is actually nowhere near the levels needed to have the desired effect of the chemical
Here's an extract from the Wikipedia page
A review published in 2008 found no documented reports of negative or positive health effects associated with the amount of taurine used in energy drinks, concluding that "The amounts of guarana, taurine, and ginseng found in popular energy drinks are far below the amounts expected to deliver either therapeutic benefits or adverse events".

Occasionally at work I'm out in the car park cleaning. The amount of cans from Rockstar and so on I find is imense D:

Anywho, stop rambling, Danny. Get on with it!
It's non-carbonated, so that's gonna knock a few points off my rating.
It smells like real lemon, unlike the cheapo 18p lemonade you can buy from Asda or Tesco. It tastes really sweet with a slight bitter undertone from the lemon.
But lemonade should be fizzy!!
Make this fizzy, a bit cheaper (These things are around £1 to £1.50 for a half a litre can in the UK), let the lemon keep some of its kick and you've got a great drink ;)
But then you'd end up with normal lemonade.....

It's ok, but I wouldn't buy it regularly due its price, and the fact it's not carbonated
I give it a 6 out of ten! :o

Thursday 26 July 2012

Chex Mix

Another American snack! :o
This time it's Chex Mix
Why's it say Brand Snack underneath the logo?
Apparently a "bag of interesting" according to the back. Guess what else the back says? Yup, artificial crap again! Oh, how I love chemicals! :3
I got these for 15p and they're about a fortnight out of date, but hey, I'm not fussy. All the chemicals shall stop any degradation! 8D

These look kind of like an elaborate version of Cheese Savouries which we can get in this country pretty cheap.
Oh, go on then, let's open them up....
Ugh, they smell nasty.... Is that a Shreddie in there? Maybe these have been knitted by nanas too. But I guess that's better than the jumper with a reindeer on with the big, sticky out, bobbly, red nose you get every year for Christmas that you'll only wear when you go round and wear those stupid little paper hats which tear at the slightest whisper of air. There's also a ring, a window, a triangle and some wiggly thing. The circle and window shape look like the same type of thing as a pretzel. The triangles are intensely orange compared to the others.
I suppose it's time to try them, eh?
The window.... No cheese flavour at all, just a pretzel thing. And the same for the ring. How about the wiggly thing? Every so slightly cheesy, barely noticeable. Now for the shreddie. Slightly more flavour, but not really cheese flavoured. There's a slightly nutty taste But nicer than the others so far. Now for the triangle. These look like they've beaten all the other shapes into submission so it can steal their flavour. Hmm, they must've got arrested and had the flavour confiscated because there's still not a lot
Oh, hang on, a super flavour saturated shreddie... Ach! That's not a nice taste. A really funny, off-tasting "cheese" flavour.
The pretzel pieces taste kind of like breakfast cereal.
Cheddar cheese is the only cheese-looking ingredient on the list and it's 3rd from last. I don't know about the US, but I think in the UK, the ingredients are listed from most to least. If it's the same other the pond, then I'm not too sure how they can pass these as "cheddar" flavour. It should say "funny chemical, nasty fake cheese flavour" on the pack.
The range of shapes are a really good idea, there's different textures and tastes to the actual pieces, but the cheese flavouring.... No..... It's not too nice, to be honest. If the flavouring was decent, then I'd give these a maximum of 7 or 8 of ten, but other than that, I'll give them a 4

America, you ain't got nowt on our cheese savouries, bitch!

Combos Jalapeño Cheddar Tortilla

While I'm waiting for the Simpsons to start on channel 4, I thought I'd do another review. Yet another product from the Stateside Candy Co
Here we go....
I'm not entirely too sure what to expect from these, but the flavour sounded good, hence why I bought them. Only 59p ;)
So let's open them up....
But first, a quick look on the back, and guess what? Yup.... There's artificial flavourings in them (Surely it's easy enough to make cheese and chilli flavour?)

Anywho, as soon as I open the bag, I can smell them. It smells cheesy and chilli-ish. That's a good sign. They look like cylindrical biscuity\crackery things with some sort of soft cheese stuff in the middle and some salt sprinkled on top (is it salt? It better not be dandruff....)
Here's a picture of them

Tasting time! :o My favourite part....
Hmmm... Not the strongest flavour in the world, but a nice one. I can't really taste any chilli, but I can feel the slightest kick of spice in the back of my mouth and throat. They taste familiar. Sort of like Tuc sandwiches except with a kick, here's a picture of them
There's not a great deal in the pack, maybe 18 or 19 and they're about half the length of a double A battery.
If I order from this site again and these are at the same price, I'd definitely buy them again

As I'm eating these, the spice I'm feeling in the back of my throat is getting stronger with each one
But overall, pretty nice, shame about the weak chilli flavour, but well worth checking out ;)
A seven and a half out of ten ;)

Yoohoo Chocolate Drink

What's better to have on a nice, sunny day than a cool, ice cold can of foreign drink that you've never heard of?
That's right, a bucket of KFC to go with it.
Oh, and some jungle being blasted out of some speakers
But unfortunately, I'm lazy and I can't be bothered to walk that far or get the bus

I saw this under "Soda" on the Stateside Candy Co's website. I'm not too sure what this is exactly. Is it a milkshake? Is it chocolate water? There's no milk in the ingredients, but there's things like whey and dried milk
I'm not too sure what to expect, to be honest....
99% fat free and 99% caffeine free. Darn! That's no good, is it?

Right then, let's crack it open. It smells nice, just like any old chocolate milkshake, kind of creamy. I'm gonna go get a glass. It doesn't feel right drinking milkshake from a can....
It looks like milkshake, albeit a bit thinner. Let's get on with it and try it....
Wow.... That's nice. Really nice. It's got a creamy taste to it. The chocolate isn't too dark (I can't stand dark chocolate), but it tastes kind of synthetic (but then again, what isn't synthetic in America?), but it's nice nonetheless
In all honesty, I was slightly scared of trying this in fear that it was fizzy (fizzy chocolate-ade? Dafuq?) because it was in the soda category.
Hmm... The after taste isn't as pleasant, but that might be just because I had fish fingers and chips for dinner, so don't let that put you off, haha
There's a few bits floating around the bottom of the cup, but I'm hoping they're just clumps of cocoa powder.
I'm glad I put this in the fridge the other day, I imagine it's not so good warm

I paid £1.20 for this, so I probably won't be getting it again seeing as you can buy ordinary milkshake a lot cheaper, but if you see it, I'd recommend it just to try it ;)

8 out of 10 :o
I think that's the highest rating so far!

Well done, Yoohoo, well done indeed....

Wednesday 25 July 2012

Brain Blasterz Brain Bitz

I picked these up in Asda the other day
There's two flavours in each box and there's two boxes. Lemon + Raspberry and Apple + Strawberry
Here's the best picture I could find
I imagine these are basically the same as Wonka Nerds
It's a pretty cool looking box with some guy's skull having his brain exploding out of it. I wonder if this will happen to me.... Well, I'd need to get a brain first, haha
I'll try the apple and strawberry one first

Eh? How do I work this box? It seems like you can open it at the bottom. It's not glued shut or anything. What if you're walking around and then suddenly it opens and they all fall on the floor? What would you do?
Pick 'em up and eat them anyway, of course! ;)
I'll just open them like a normal box, never mind the funny contraption to pour them out.
They look like Nerds, just without the glossy coat.
So, the apple ones.
They're crunchy with an initial tang, but that soon wears off and it's just sweet tasting. It's a funny tasting apple flavour. A bit too sweet and artificial flavouring. The ingredients just say "Flavourings", so there's no telling if it's fake or real, but I'm guessing fake
Gah! All the strawberry ones have gone and clumped together and aren't coming out of the box >:I Damn you, humid weather!
Same thing with the tang wearing off, but hey, these ones taste nicer. Same taste as strawberry millions. Not bad ;)

So now I'll give the Lemon and Raspberry flavour a go. :O For once, raspberry flavour isn't blue!
Again, they're not coming out of the box.
The lemon ones kind of taste like those lemon scented wet wipes you get when you order takeaway from KFC or somewhere. Slightly medicinal.
The raspberry ones have a fairly powerful flavour. They kind of taste like parma violets... But I can just detect a berry flavour. Ugh, I just got a nasty stab of bad taste from them too >.< But ignoring that, they're ok

Overall, they're not bad, kind of like the poor man's Nerds. At least Nerds don't all clump together. But these are more sour than Nerds, so there's a bonus ;)
Sour things are good
Six out of ten, biatcchh!!

Andy Capp's Cheddar Fries!

Here I have another item from my order from the Stateside Candy Co.
Andy Capp's Cheddar Fries! :o
Here's a picture
There appears to be some sort of cockney\farmer on the pack, haha
There's not a lot interesting on the pack, but wow! Look at the list of ingredients....
Oh, what a surprise. Artificial flavours and colours!
So these are a corn and potato snack, and I'm assuming cheese flavour....

Let's open them up....
It's the usual deal with crisp type things, half a pack only and the rest is air
They smell like generic cheese and onion crisps. So let's try one....
They're pretty easy to bite through, like those salt and vinegar sticks you can get. The flavour's not all that strong, but it's a kind of toasted cheese flavour and slightly herby.
I picked these up for only 20p because they were about a week out of date (at the time of ordering), but I'm not fussy, it's only a week....
Maybe they'd taste a bit stronger before the date, but I don't know....
They have a funny, slightly off-tasting after taste

So let's give them a rating....
I'd give them a 5 out of 10
I probably wouldn't buy them again unless they were dirt cheap. If you see them cheap, give them a go, but otherwise, naaaahhhh, don't bother

Tuesday 24 July 2012

Now & Later

So here I am on a really nice, sunny, hot day in England, which happens less than seeing flying pigs, but instead of going outside and soaking up the sun or absorbing vitamin D, I'm sat at my PC eating sweets and writing about them....

So here's something I got from the Stateside Candy Co.
Here's a picture....

It's a nice looking package (That's what she said, haha)
After looking for some clues, I managed to decipher what flavours are to be contained within. Cherry, Blue Raspberry (of course. Because red raspberries don't exist in America) and strawberry. All artificially flavoured (Because otherwise it'd be too healthy, haha).
So I'm assuming this is a berry flavour pack? I don't know if there's any other flavours. Google images comes up with grape, lime and strawberry flavour too. Maybe I'll look for it one day.
On the back it says "Serv. size: 9 pieces, Servings: about 2"
So 18 is about two lots of nine, is it? I thought it was exactly two lots of nine? Maybe they just guessed with the maths?
So anyway, let us open this packet!

Oh, hello.... Inside are three smaller packets. Each packet has 6 of one flavour. This is handy.... I wish other sweets did this. Wouldn't it be great to think "I want this flavour....", open it at a certain end and receive said flavour no matter what? That way you could skip the crappy flavours like lime!

Now to taste test. I'll grab the red one first. Cherry.... I'm imagining these are like Chewits or Starburst. So this is a really nice looking red colour. Doesn't really smell of much, but I can just detect a hint of polish... (No kidding...)
Hmm... It's not the strongest of flavours, has a slight tang to it. It's kind of Dr Pepper-tasting, but with a tad more cherry
It's not too easy to chew, in all honesty. Maybe it'll get easier as I go along
Arrgh! It's getting stuck in my teeth! >.<

So that's the cherry one down, not bad.... I think I'll do strawberry next and save the raspberry for last (Raspberry is one of my favourite fruits)
This one's in a deep magenta-ish colour wrapper. The actual sweet is the same colour as the last one. Smells like that fake strawberry scent you get on those inflatable rubber balls, ya know? Let's pop it in, shall we?
Yes.... It really tastes like strawberries..... NOT! It's similar-ish, but not close enough for me to actually say it's strawberry. If I was given this not being told it was strawberry, I'd be struggling to guess the flavour. It's a nice flavour nevertheless

Now that one has been masticated, ingurgitated, digested, absorbed or whatever, the blue one is calling on me.
Oh, wow. This is a really nice blue colour. It smells kind of funny like the cherry one. The flavour is somewhat weak compared to the other two, but there's a nice little tang to it. But it doesn't have that generic "blue" flavour a lot of "blue raspberry" or blue coloured sweets have. It's slightly different. It's pleasant for my tongue

Overall, they're not that bad. They're a bit hard (It must've been like eating pebbles before then?) and the flavours are strange. Sometimes I wonder if the Americans have even tried fruit before, haha. It says "long lasting chews" on the pack, but that's not true if you actually chew them. I imagine they can last a fair while if you just pop them in and suck it though
I'll give them a six out of ten. If they were a bit softer, then they'd get bumped up a notch to seven

That's it for this review. Maybe I'll write another one later. I have a lot of stuff to get through. Yay! Cavities and malnutrition!

Auf Wiedersehen, meine Freunde!

Fanta Mango + Passionfruit

I like Fanta.
I like the orange one, I like the strawberry and kiwi one, I like the fruit twist one and the various other flavours. So when I saw this in a shop, I thought I'd go try it.
I've just recently found out that there are over 100 different flavours of Fanta. I NEED TO FIND MOAARRR. Maybe I'll scour the internet for various flavours from various countries.
But anywho, here's a picture of the can (Sorry for the watermark on the top, it's the only decent picture I could find)
I bought mine as an 8 pack, so instead of saying 55p on the top, it says the usual "Don't sell individually" or whatever
It's a nice purple colour though, don't you think?
It smells really nice and tropical. The colour of it's the same as any other tropical flavour drink, ie. orange
I'm not usually too keen on mango, I think it has a slightly odd taste and I usually avoid it. But this, this is ok. It's pretty sweet too. You can also taste orange in it, and the ingredients list orange juice as higher than "natural flavourings", so I guess that dampens down the other flavours a bit. I'm sure it be better without the orange. But I guess Fanta is originally orange flavoured, so maybe that's why. I don't know....
I grabbed my can from the cupboard, but I'm sure it's much better and really refreshing straight from the fridge after a long hard day of sitting on my arse doing nothing, haha
It's a nice looking can, a nice tasting drink, but I prefer the fruit twist flavour of Fanta. It's limited edition, so I recommend you at least try it before it goes off the shelf. It's worth a try ;)
One shall rate said beverage with a spiffing seven out of ten!


Monday 23 July 2012

Effervescent Bacon Drink Tabs!




Trust me on this one. It seems like a great idea, doesn't it? Who doesn't love bacon.... well, besides vegetarians? But they don't count
Now I love bacon as well as most bacon flavoured things, but these..... Ugh!
Fizzy bacon-ade sounds good, but is something which this product doesn't provide.
This was one of the things I ordered from the Stateside Candy Co.
The basic idea is to drop it in a glass of water, watch it fizz and then enjoy your salty meaty flavoured beverage at the end. But instead all you get is a nice, cold refreshing swig of disappointment.
They need to go back to the drawing board...
So here's what they look like...

 After struggling to take the lid off, I stuck my nose in and gave it a sniff. PHWOAR!!! Rubber gloves, anyone? But a lot of things smell bad but taste good, so I assumed this was a similar thing.

So anyway, I popped one in a glass of water and waited for it to start fizzing. Then I waited some more. And then some more. It never did start to fizz. Instead of waiting until the end of the world for it to dissolve, I attacked it with a spoon and crushed it and stirred it.
It still didn't dissolve, the little bugger. All the crumbled up powder simply floated to the top. It still smelt like a rubber glove, but I went in to have a mouthful. I say mouthful, I really mean a tiny drop because, well, the sight and smell wasn't too pleasing....
That tiny droplet filled my entire mouth with the taste. And wow, it was..... Awful!
It tasted like someone dropped a sweaty rubber glove into a bag of flour and left it in the sun for a while. Honestly, it really did. It made me gag, to be honest. I had to go pour it down the sink.

So, to summarise - Crapcrapcrapcrap
Zero out of ten
Maybe half a point for the packaging, that looks pretty nifty

The idea is good, but please, for your own health and safety:
Avoid avoid avoid avoid avoid avoid avoid!

Hello, hello, hello... What do we have here then?

So today I got my order of American crap from The Stateside Candy Co.
There's a fair few things in here, so keep an eye out for upcoming reviews ;)


Sunday 22 July 2012

Let the eating continue!

And welcome back, my pretties, nyaha, haha, hahahahaHAHA!

I got bored, so I decided to do another review. This time of Kellog's Squares Rocky Road

Here's a delectable image for your eyes to devour

I've always been a fan of Squares

So onto taste testing...
Not bad, the chocolate taste isn't to strong. It's chewy yet crispy at the same time (Like humans) with some hard chunks of chocolate (Also like humans, well, maybe not).
It kind of sticks to your front teeth a bit, so I'd avoid eating one before going out on a date, unless you want to put them off their dindins
There's a hint of vanilla, which I'm guess is from the marshmallow. It's a bit too overpowering compared to the chocolate flavour, in my opinion...
The packaging is rather sleek and sexy, but the actual product... You can make similar things at home for a fraction of the price, but they're likely to turn out looking like a big turd (Unless you're good at cooking... Or a woman... Haha)

A rather healthy, yet pale looking six out of ten! :o

Until next time, folks, good bye!

Let the eating commence!

So I noticed there were some new products in Asda today (Well, I'm pretty sure they're new, I haven't seen them before, but then again, I've just come back from a 2 week holiday) which looked rather interesting, so I  thought I'd check them out.
I was going to take some pictures of the packaging\contents, but my camera seems to have died on me.... Maybe I'll be able to find some lying around on Teh Interwebzz :o

So... first one... Oooh... I can taste the excitement! *Drools*

Swizzels Matlow Double Lollies Squashies

I found a picture! :o Except my pack doesn't have the clear bit in the middle....
Anywho... Time to open them...
If I can....
Screw this, I'm getting some scissors, haha. Tear here, my arse

So after finally managing to get them open, WAFT! My face is pummelled with the smell. Smells kind of like a gone off apple and blackberry flavour.
There looks to be three different types in here - a red and orange one, a white and yellow one, and a green and purple one. And they're coated in fine sugar, hooray, mess on my desk! :D
So, the red and orange one... Hmm... Not bad... Berry-ish...
The white and yellow... I think this is supposed to be pineapple
And the green and purple... What a surprise, my thoughts were correct, apple and blackberry (or is it blackcurrant? I can never taste the difference)
They're kind of like a chewy marshmallow thing. But from what I remember, double lollies don't actually taste anything like these...
There's no zip thing or sealing-sticker like some packets have, so I imagine these will go hard and stale very quickly in my drawer.
EDIT: Oh wait a minute, there is one of those stickers! Herp derp 8D
Mnyeh, seven out of ten, I guess....


Something similar, Swizzels Matlow (I always thought that was a funny name) Love Hearts Squashies
Have a picture

I have a feeling these are just going to be the generic gummy thing with the foam-ish bottom, aren't they? Ah well, time to crack 'em open!
That was much less of an effort than the last bag... They don't smell too great though...
Looks to me like there's 6 colours\flavours. Purple, green, off-white, yellow, a funny orange\pink and a pink. All with "romantic" messages written on them. "STOP IT" one of them says. That's not love, that's telling your stalker to go away... "CHASE ME" now that's telling your stalker to advance on their creepiness... I never understood the messages on Love Hearts
Oh wait, I've found an orange one! ...and it looks half eaten... I think that orange\pink one is supposed to be pink, it just absorbed half of this orange one. Anywho, let's give them a go
Flavours - white is pineapple, yellow is... you guessed it, lemon, green is ugh, lime! The most evil of the citrus fruits! The orange one is... :o Avocado! Nah, it's not really. You can probably guess the flavour. Purple is blackcurrant (or is it blackberry?) and the final pink one is cherry? I think? A funny kind of cherry, really weak.
These are ok, I guess, nothing special about them. Haribo have been doing this kind of thing for ages. Stick with the hard Love hearts, in my opinion.
Like the other packet above, no way of resealing it to keep them as fresh as a daisy, but ah well.
A whopping.....5 out of 10!

I bought a few more pieces from Asda, but I'm feeling lazy, so I'll do them later ;)


Friday 20 July 2012

And so it begins....

Why hello there, visitor....
You seem to have stumbled across my humble little page. A page where I'm going to post reviews on various snacks, sweets, drinks and things like that. Most will be of lesser known and foreign things, but the odd more popular one will creep in time to time ;)

Feel free to send in suggestions, comments, feedback, creepy messages or whatever else your heart desires and I'll do my best to get back to you.

Let the analysis commence!
