Friday 7 September 2012

Bulldog Energy Drink

Oh boy! Another generic energy drink! 8D
I wonder what new oddities this can bring to the market....
Apparently they've won The Queen's Awards For Enterprise International Trade 2009-2011
But I've never heard of this....

There's nothing eye-catching about the can, just the usual thing. Again, this was found in the Polish supermarket (Man, I love that shop)

So here we go again, let's hope it's something different to the vast array of generic drinks there already are....
Smells slightly better than the usual energy drink, somewhat more fruity
As for the taste.... There isn't much of one, it's a bit watery tasting. I guess that's good compared to some which have really overpowering flavours. This is kind of easygoing. It's not bad for the price, but neither is any other generic drink out there

So, to summarise, it's pretty much the same thing as the million other energy drinks except it's not as strong tasting

Six out of ten! :o

Thursday 6 September 2012

Roys Çilekli kek

It's been a while, Blogger....
Well, about a week....

I've bought so much stuff to review the past week, but I've ended up eating it all anyway, haha. I'm such a pig sometimes.... Anywho, back to the reviews

Today there sits a cake from the Polish shop in front of me. Thirty nine pence it cost me. Here's a picture
Here you can see a fine example of cake packaging
It looks pretty good. I had no idea what it was when I bought it, the packaging caught my eye, but when I got home, I read the packaging and it says "Cocoa coated strawberry cream cake". Sounds guuurrrddd
And now we see the cake emerging from its natural habitat, the packaging
So, it looks kind of melty, but it was in the boot of my car for at least half an hour and it's been really sunny (I know! Sun! In England! Crazy....)
There's even chocolate on the bottom, so I'm guessing you have to pick it up with the sides, but there's not much room for error. This isn't designed for people with sausage fingers....
It smells strawberry-ish and vanilla-ish, but not very chocolatey
The sponge is a bit dense, not really light and fluffy, but it has a nice vanilla taste to it. The chocolate isn't very noticeable *sad face*
Let's get a bit with jam in.... Hmmm.... It doesn't taste of much, only just at the back of the flavour *sad face again*
I was looking forward to the jammy bit :(

Overall, it's kind of stodgy and makes your fingers sticky, but it's not bad for the price I paid. A tad flavourless, but....


Did I just say that? Shoot me, shoot me now....

4 out of 10

Thursday 30 August 2012

DG Jamaica Strawberry Soda

Here's a drink I found on the Afro-Caribbean stall in the market up town
There isn't many strawberry fizzy drinks around, so I thought I'd try this. Fanta Strawberry was a big let down when I tried it (I didn't review it though), it was all syrupy and really sweet
I also picked up a grape can and they were 65p each. A bit steep for a 330ml can, but I'm guessing it's imported, so it's not all that bad

It smells promising....
It tastes.... Just ok....
But it's a lot better than the Fanta strawberry. It's not overly sweet and syrupy, but it still is quite sweet. It tastes kind of artificial too

I probably won't buy it again unless it was really cheap (say, 20 or 30 pence)
It's not that it's a bad drink, it's just nothing special....
5 out of 10


Yesterday I popped into the Polish supermarket again to see what I could found. I grabbed so much, I had to get a friend to help carry it all (I didn't pick up a basket. But then again, I don't think they have any)
I can find a picture of an English (American?) version, but not the ones I found, so here's a picture for your eyes (I've bought a new camera recently)

After a bit of research, I've found out these are a German product and are made by the same company as Werther's Originals (I never knew that was German....)
The entire packaging is in Polish, but you can guess what flavours they are from the pictures. The top one is cherry and banana and the bottom one looks like apple and melon

They look a bit like Maoams or something
Cherry+Banana (Top), Apple+Melon (Bottom)
Let's try the cherry and banana first. Simply because I can't say I've ever heard of that combination before and I'm not the biggest fan of banana ever
It's instantly banana-ish and not so much cherry-ish. But it's a nice banana flavour. It's pretty good

Now the melon and apple....
This one's good. Really melon-ish, but you can still taste the apple underneath
They're moderately soft, but you need to work them around before you can chew them easily, but they're not bad for what I paid for them (about 25p per pack)

8 out of 10 :o

Friday 24 August 2012

Jack Link's Chicken Bites Flamin' Buffalo Style

These were picked up in B&M. They sounded really good so I bought 8 packs without even knowing what they're like, haha
At 29p a packet, you can't go wrong. But I was surprised to see something like this not in a fridge. It says on the pack they don't need to be refrigerated as well, but I put them in the fridge when I got home anyway. The pack I have with me, however, isn't from the fridge. I took them to work for my break but I didn't end up eating them, so they're a bit warm

Now, I like chicken. I like spicy food even more (Damn, I could've got some spicy chicken from Asda today....), so these sounded awesome to me. Let's open them up, shall we?
There's a little sachet to suck up any moisture, so don't try and sprinkle it everywhere thinking it's salt or you'll end up not feeling too well. They smell kind of funny and off, but at the same time, pleasantly warm and spicy. They're not too big, just enough for a bite, like the name says.
Mmmm... They're kind of dry and tough, but they have a really nice taste to them. It's only mildly spicy (I always thought Buffalo was a really hot flavour?) I can't quite tell what's in it, but it's great either way
You only get a handful of decent size pieces and then there's a load of straggly bits at the bottom, but they're just as good if not better due to the fact they're not as tough

I really like these, I think they're great :D
If you see any, they're definitely worth trying out ;)
Nine out of ten!

Thursday 23 August 2012

Thermo Booster Cool Blue

I popped into JTF today (It's a discount warehouse shop) and saw this by the tills along with a red flavour (I got one of them too)
I've never heard of this before, nor have I heard of QNT. And the same goes for cool blue flavour....
Maybe it's minty?
So this is a caffeiney energy drink, but blue. Something I've never seen before. Besides Powerade, but I don't think that has caffeine in, does it? Either way, it's an odd colour for an energy drink. I'm interested to see what flavour it is. It has an awesome colour

Swig time approaches us....

Well... That's an odd flavour... It's definitely fruity, but kind of bitter tasting. The label states it contains sweeteners, but.... It can't.... It's too bitter for that to be possible. I think it's a blue raspberry kind of taste, but I'm not entirely sure on this, to be honest. For 99p, I guess it's a decent price for the amount you get, but the taste you get.... I'm not gonna recommend it
But in all honesty, it's handy being in a sports bottle. Cans aren't resealable (besides that No Fear drink)
3 out of 5

Monday 20 August 2012

Poult Tartelettes À La Framboise

Here's yet another thing I picked up at B&M. I bought two packs for 39p each
When I picked them up, I thought they were just jam tarts (The text is French, a language I can't speak besides the odd word), but in fact they're biscuits with raspberry jam in the middle. They sound pretty good, in my opinions. Eight in a pack
They're roughly two inches in diameter
Time to try one.... The biscuit is really crumbly and tastes fairly coconuty. The jam has a strong flavour to start off with but then it dies down and all you an taste is coconut. I'm not a big fan of coconut, to be honest
They're not bad for the price I paid, and I could eat two packs and maybe buy another if I w ent back there and there was some in stock. But I wouldn't be bothered at all if there wasn't any around
Six and a half out of ten