Trust me on this one. It seems like a great idea, doesn't it? Who doesn't love bacon.... well, besides vegetarians? But they don't count
Now I love bacon as well as most bacon flavoured things, but these..... Ugh!
Fizzy bacon-ade sounds good, but is something which this product doesn't provide.
This was one of the things I ordered from the Stateside Candy Co.
The basic idea is to drop it in a glass of water, watch it fizz and then enjoy your salty meaty flavoured beverage at the end. But instead all you get is a nice, cold refreshing swig of disappointment.
They need to go back to the drawing board...
So here's what they look like...
After struggling to take the lid off, I stuck my nose in and gave it a sniff. PHWOAR!!! Rubber gloves, anyone? But a lot of things smell bad but taste good, so I assumed this was a similar thing.
So anyway, I popped one in a glass of water and waited for it to start fizzing. Then I waited some more. And then some more. It never did start to fizz. Instead of waiting until the end of the world for it to dissolve, I attacked it with a spoon and crushed it and stirred it.
It still didn't dissolve, the little bugger. All the crumbled up powder simply floated to the top. It still smelt like a rubber glove, but I went in to have a mouthful. I say mouthful, I really mean a tiny drop because, well, the sight and smell wasn't too pleasing....
That tiny droplet filled my entire mouth with the taste. And wow, it was..... Awful!
It tasted like someone dropped a sweaty rubber glove into a bag of flour and left it in the sun for a while. Honestly, it really did. It made me gag, to be honest. I had to go pour it down the sink.
So, to summarise - Crapcrapcrapcrap
Zero out of ten
Maybe half a point for the packaging, that looks pretty nifty
The idea is good, but please, for your own health and safety:
Avoid avoid avoid avoid avoid avoid avoid!
I think I'm quite glad that I didn't end up trying these :O