Friday 7 September 2012

Bulldog Energy Drink

Oh boy! Another generic energy drink! 8D
I wonder what new oddities this can bring to the market....
Apparently they've won The Queen's Awards For Enterprise International Trade 2009-2011
But I've never heard of this....

There's nothing eye-catching about the can, just the usual thing. Again, this was found in the Polish supermarket (Man, I love that shop)

So here we go again, let's hope it's something different to the vast array of generic drinks there already are....
Smells slightly better than the usual energy drink, somewhat more fruity
As for the taste.... There isn't much of one, it's a bit watery tasting. I guess that's good compared to some which have really overpowering flavours. This is kind of easygoing. It's not bad for the price, but neither is any other generic drink out there

So, to summarise, it's pretty much the same thing as the million other energy drinks except it's not as strong tasting

Six out of ten! :o

Thursday 6 September 2012

Roys Çilekli kek

It's been a while, Blogger....
Well, about a week....

I've bought so much stuff to review the past week, but I've ended up eating it all anyway, haha. I'm such a pig sometimes.... Anywho, back to the reviews

Today there sits a cake from the Polish shop in front of me. Thirty nine pence it cost me. Here's a picture
Here you can see a fine example of cake packaging
It looks pretty good. I had no idea what it was when I bought it, the packaging caught my eye, but when I got home, I read the packaging and it says "Cocoa coated strawberry cream cake". Sounds guuurrrddd
And now we see the cake emerging from its natural habitat, the packaging
So, it looks kind of melty, but it was in the boot of my car for at least half an hour and it's been really sunny (I know! Sun! In England! Crazy....)
There's even chocolate on the bottom, so I'm guessing you have to pick it up with the sides, but there's not much room for error. This isn't designed for people with sausage fingers....
It smells strawberry-ish and vanilla-ish, but not very chocolatey
The sponge is a bit dense, not really light and fluffy, but it has a nice vanilla taste to it. The chocolate isn't very noticeable *sad face*
Let's get a bit with jam in.... Hmmm.... It doesn't taste of much, only just at the back of the flavour *sad face again*
I was looking forward to the jammy bit :(

Overall, it's kind of stodgy and makes your fingers sticky, but it's not bad for the price I paid. A tad flavourless, but....


Did I just say that? Shoot me, shoot me now....

4 out of 10